Sustainable Settings’ educational programs focus on learning by doing, and allow students to experience first-hand the practical systems and activities that form the foundation of sustainable living. In the spirit of collaboration we have forged partnerships throughout our region to provide experiential learning opportunities to people of all ages.

Sustainable Settings for Kids
Sustainable Settings hosts on-site, hands-on curriculum for Pre-K through University level learning. Our Whole Systems-based school programming ranges from 2-hour tours to multi-day outdoor education programs and semester long collaboratives, which can include all instruction, camping. We work with faculty to customize curriculum that meets or exceeds state requirements such as math, science, language arts, history. We teach systems of energy, water, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, green building, animal husbandry, and more. Contact us about your curricular needs, our fee schedules and to book dates, 970-963-6107. We look forward to learning with you!

University Partnerships
Sustainable Settings provides a remote campus for university and college level collaboration. The hands-on education offered at our whole systems learning center complements the largely theoretical and book-based curriculum of higher education – providing students with practical, on-site experience that anchors their learning. For example, in 1999 we commenced an ongoing collaboration with the University of Colorado’s Architecture and Planning Department by hosting both undergraduate and graduate level sustainable design seminars. We welcome and are currently developing additional collaborative exchanges with other higher learning institutions